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Race & Reconciliation Initiative

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To Whom It May Concern:

当一个人决定一个高等教育机构时,他们有两种选择:学生 是去最舒适的地方,还是潜入一个他们从未想象过的世界 being and hope for the best. As a minority student, being comfortable means attending a school where almost everyone looks like you, an HBCU. We as students of color are at a constant disadvantage and at TCU we should not be. With scholarships like Community 来自该地区的学者和少数民族学生有机会进入TCU,但没有 不会受到其他学生轻蔑的目光,贬损的评论,还有 low expectations from other peers. Feeling a sense of alienation along with trying 为了保持较高的平均成绩和继续参与校园活动,创造了不必要的 burdens that can hurt students in the long run. To encourage the inclusiveness of 我们的校园和改变对少数民族的态度在这个校园,我们有一个彻底的 list of demands that we want to see implemented.

所有肤色的学生都认识到某些群体的劣势 在这个所谓的“包容”的校园里经历过,坦率地说,我们已经厌倦了. TCU的使命是“教育个人以道德领袖的身份思考和行动。 以及全球社会中负责任的公民,但这是如何执行的? Students 教职员工在校园里到处宣扬微侵犯,期待有色人种的学生 to pretend that what has been done is acceptable. Being that this is 2016, change is long overdue.

我们准备提供更多信息,并与行政部门直接合作 on the implementation of these demands. With an open line of communication, resolutions can and will be made. It is our duty as students to recognize our feelings toward the powers that be and work to implement change. We have put lots of thought into 对变革的要求和热情,我们只能希望你,和同仁们 members of administration will be just as open to the change as we are.

The demands listed below are in no particular order. If we do not hear something regarding 我们的要求在20天内,各种形式的升级将会发生,直到一些 if not all of our demands are met.


Black Students and Allies of TCU

Mission Statement:

我们的目标是提升德州基督教大学校园里的有色人种 通过文化教育促进同理心,培养真正有道德的领导者 在国际社会中确保黑人得到公平的代表和倾听 by administration.

What we want to accomplish:

我们首先编制了一份经过仔细考虑的要求清单 这是基于对TCU校园和全国各地校园的担忧. However, that is just the beginning. Through these demands as well as creating a video message 这最终表达了人们的许多(通常被忽视或闻所未闻的)不满 我们计划将种族问题从"对话"转移到 to tangible action. We will stop at nothing to ensure that the cultural presence of black people on this campus is acknowledged and appreciated. Most of all we seek to 教育这个校园的文化起源和斗争使黑人 they are--and actively work to shift people's ignorance to awareness.

Executive Summary

  1. 我们要求TCU修改行为准则以体现零容忍政策 racially insensitive and hateful speech. This will include developing and implementing 适当处理仇恨言论和仇恨犯罪的议定书 involving TCU students. To do this we propose that a student led Diversity/Inclusion/ 应设立问责委员会,重点关注所有种族不敏感问题 campus. 董事会将专注于发起全校范围内bc体育多样性和 以及让学生、教师和工作人员负起责任 for insensitivity.
  2. 我们要求TCU增加至少10%的有色人种教师,此外还要保留 rate these faculty members will remain above 75%. (to reflect the population of Texas)
  3. 我们要求所有TCU的教职员工和学生参加敏感性培训 有一个训练有素的bc体育人员在培训中不仅关注种族和 反犹太的不容忍,还有微侵略,以保持多样性 and inclusion.
  4. 我们要求准确的年度报告,反映TCU在增长方面的进展 多样性,不仅仅是基于地理位置,还包括新入学班级的种族 as the diversity of all faculty and staff.
  5. 我们要求有意义对话的火花-管理人员和学生媒体 必须使用现有的沟通渠道来开始、继续和深化我们的讨论吗 种族主义和种族中心主义贯穿于迎新活动和整个过程 the core curriculum. In the core curriculum, focusing on the Cultural Awareness as being exclusively for the awareness of world cultures and people.
  6. 我们要求捐赠1亿美元来进一步支持少数族裔学生 通过提供非体育奖学金,使TCU在财政上更加可行 不包括在社区学者范围内的低收入高中,以及 创建一个多元文化中心,为学生和学生.
  7. 我们要求在民族研究的同时,设立一个多元化研究的部门 course that will be a core curriculum requirement for all students. We also demand 对目前满足核心课程要求的课程进行严格的重新评估 多样性要求,由有色人种教师组成的董事会领导,他们将获得补偿 for this service.
  8. 我们要求TCU成立一个希腊生活多样性工作小组来执行强制性的 文化敏感性培训,具有训练有素的bc体育人员,为所有学生考虑 Greek life.
  9. 我们要求多元文化希腊理事会和国家委员会的成员都有住房 泛希腊理事会,因为他们是校园多样性的重要组成部分.
  10. 我们要求设立一个亚裔美国人研究bc体育和一个印第安人 研究bc体育,因为他们代表了德克萨斯州的人 and beyond.
  11. 我们需要一个大学资助的演讲系列,关注多样性以及我们如何 can better implement and celebrate it on campus.
  12. 我们要求TCU聘请一位负责监督的多元化和包容性首席官 the curriculums and projects set forth in this document.
  13. 当全国各地的有色人种被谋杀时,我们要求降下国旗 by people who are supposed to protect and serve.
  14. 我们要求学生参与到这些要求的实施中来 支持他们的教职员工在参与时不会受到负面影响 in this process of systematic and cultural change.

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